Fun at lake and history is cool!
Today we had a very interesting day. It is started with strongman and strong woman. After breakfast we went to the beach at the lake. Then the church came to us, and we later ate lunch. It was so-so. After siesta we had singing class, the song was about Liza and Henry. Then we had a very exciting lesson about history and we prepared a sketch about the Warsaw Uprising. Afterwards we went to some sport activities. Supper was at 6.30 pm. After
supper we had wonderful evening fun. We created posters with the quotes of
famous historical people. Later we voted for the poster which we liked best.
The team of Marta, Zuzia and Mikolaj made the most beautiful poster. The best
thing was the second part of the evening. We mimed out famous historical events
in Poland and the world and the other groups had to guess what event it was. It
was a lot of fun!!! At the end we watched films, photos and interviews from
today. They were really cool!!!
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